Odpady, dekontaminácia, sanácia, likvidácia ropného znečistenia, zneškodňovanie a likvidácia odpadov, recyklácia stavebných odpadov, geologický a hydrogeologický prieskum, predaj piesku, štrku, kameniva, dekontaminácia betónov a stavebných sutí, environmentálna škoda, environmentálne škody, analýza rizika znečisteného územia, analýzy rizika, východisková správa IPKZ, IPKZ Services Quality Download Contact English
Commer.No.: 31681794
ID VAT: SK2020506466

Our company has been certified according to
ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards.

The ENVIRONCENTRUM s.r.o. company was founded in 1993. At the present time it employs 46 employees and dispose with its own machinery and instrumental equipment, which is necessary for high quality implementation of all types of executed works.

Remediation of the geological environment

Remediation of the geological environment is including prevention of geodynamic phenomena, removal of the causes and consequences of geodynamic phenomena,elimination of the causes of the pollution caused by human activities, limiting surface and spatial spread of pollutants in groundwater, soil and rock environment, elimination or reduction the concentration of pollutants from a contaminated groundwater, soil and rock

Landslide area solutions

Landslide area solutions are including risk assessment of landslides in the slope of the site, construction of horizontal drainage wells and the performance of other stabilization works.

Oil decontaminations and bioremediations

The protection of the environment is a serious social problem. The ENVIRONCENTRUM s.r.o. company is aimed mainly at revitalisation of the environmental components polluted with organic substances (the rock environment, underground water). In this area, we render comprehensive services, ranging from exploration of the contaminated regions, specifying the nature of pollution, through professional assessment of the extent of the rock environment - underground water ecosystem endangering, elaboration of a proposal for revitalisation meas-ures, up to the proper recovery and decontamination of media polluted by oil substances.

In the field of exploration works, the company has available the professional support, which will collect relevant data on the each locality, in order to elaborate a proposal for necessary revitalisation measures in co-operation with professionals throughout Slovakia and using effective exploration methods.

In the field of rescue works, in addition to classical technologies, the ENVIRONCENTRUM s.r.o. company also uses other intensification methods such as bioventing, venting and air sparging.

Problems in the field of decontamination are solved by the ENVIRONCENTRUM company on the basis of its own technologies. For purposes of decontamination of soils and waters polluted by organic substances, it uses its own bacterial preparation, BIOVITAN, which has been approved in the biding expert´s statement of the Ministry of Health (documented in annex). The preparation is produced and continuously improved in co-operation with the Institute of Geotechnics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and with University of Veterinary Surgery. The permanent transfer of the information between scientific workplaces and practice guarantees progressiveness of technologies and high standard of the achieved results.

Solid waste recovery

This activity solves problems with reuse of building rubbish unlike the manner of waste dis-posal by its deposition, which in general has prevailed up to present time. The method of recycling of building rubbish is based on crushing the rubbish and its subsequent sorting into fractions according to the grain size. The material sorted in the above way can be used again in the building industry. The above-mentioned solution not only minimise demands for construction of new dumps, which is undesirable from the social point of view, but it is ultimately more advantageous for the pollutant from the financial point of view. The ENVIRONMCENTRUM company has established the recycling centre in Krásna nad Hornádom for disposal of building rubbish from the Košice conurbation. The building rubbish is processsed using the RESTA mobile crushing plant with its subsequent sorting on the semi-mobile sorting line.We sell gravel, sand, gravel aggregate, soil as a product of recycling of building rubbish.

Our new mobile solid waste granulator RESTA DCJ 900x600 is prepared to granulate solid waste at your site.

Hours of opening at our Recycling site Kosice- Krasna: Mon - Fri
7:00 - 15:30 CET